Image of Jen and Elikqitie with a black background on the don't should on me logo

Shoulding on Yourself: The Surprising Reason You’re Holding Yourself Back

Jen Hardy and Elikqitie at Podfest

Are you shoulding on yourself?

Find out about shoulding on yourself and others in this episode! But first…

I love Elikqitie! We met in person a year ago at Podfest and she is about the sweetest and smartest person you’ll ever meet! And you’re going to love her to when you listen to this episode!! We talk about shoulding on yourself, and on others, and why it just needs to stop!

Are you over fifty and feeling fabulous? Then this episode of the “Fabulous Over Fifty” podcast is just for you! 
Get ready to laugh, nod your head in agreement, and maybe even shed a tear as you listen to the fabulous Elikqitie share her thoughts on some of the hottest topics affecting us over-fifties. But that’s not all! Elikqitie makes a great point about being able to wear whatever we want, no matter our age. So if you’ve always wanted to don a bikini, but felt like you can’t because you’re over fifty, think again! And if you want to wear leggings and a tunic shirt every day, more power to you! So there you have it. Fabulous is a state of mine, and we don’t need anyone telling us what we “should” or “should” not do. No more shoulding on yourself (or anyone else)!!
This episode of “Fabulous Over Fifty” is chock-full of wisdom, wit, and practical advice for those of us who are over fifty and fabulous. (all of us!!) So grab your headphones, a cup of coffee or tea, and prepare to be entertained and inspired. And don’t forget to share this episode with a friend – because who doesn’t love spreading a little fabulousness around?
If you're going to do something, do it for you. Don't do it because you want to look like the girl on Instagram or you want to look like the girl in the magazine, do it because it's something for you that you want to have done, and don't do it for your significant other.

Elikqitie is a gluten-free traveler, author, and podcaster. Her podcast features interviews with product owners and informational solo episodes, while her book covers everything from camping and road tripping to packing and equipment-free cruising while avoiding gluten. Elikqitie also includes an index of gluten-free friendly restaurants in popular American cities.

Connect with Elikqitie:

Connect with me (Jen): 




Jen Hardy [00:00:11]:

Welcome to the fabulous over 50 podcast. Today, we are so lucky because my friend, Elikqitie, stopped by to talk to us about being ourselves, doing what we want, and just being firm in who we are no matter what anybody else might tell you. She is an amazing amazing person. She has the travel gluten free podcast. She is an incredible friend of mine, and she sent me some really cool, very bliggly and glittery nail polish for my birthday because she pays attention. Don’t you love people like that that just pay attention to what you really like. And, anyway, also, I love presents getting them and good at being them, so that was really sweet. But here she is. And now you get to hear from her too, my friend, Elikqitie.

Jen Hardy [00:01:07]:

Okay, Elikqitie. Thank you so much for joining me today. I’m so excited to have you on the show.

Elikqitie [00:01:12]:

Hey, Jen. I’m really excited to be here, and I’m excited for your podcast episode to come out on travel gluten free this, like, next couple weeks. So —

Jen Hardy [00:01:20]:

Yeah. It’s gonna be awesome. And I love it, and we met because we both have podcasts. And I’m gluten free, and your podcast, Travel Gluten free, is absolutely phenomenal. Oh my goodness. If you’re listening in Candy Gluten or someone can’t, whether you’re traveling across town or to another country, you’ve gotta listen to her podcast. And the book, you’ve got a book.

Elikqitie [00:01:40]:

The guy to travel in gluten free, yes, which has all of the so my podcast has some interviews for people who own products and then also some informational solo’s. But then my book covers all of the basics in one spot. So, like, how to cruise equipment free, how to camp, how to road trip, how to pack, like, all of this stuff. Like, what has gluten in it, what doesn’t have gluten in it, where gluten hides. And then in the back, I have an index of some populous American cities with restaurants that are gluten free friendly.

Jen Hardy [00:02:10]:

That is so awesome. That is I love it. And and so we we kinda bonded over that. And then now that we’ve started fabulous over 50, we’ve been talking about how we can do what we want, which is something that we both talked about before. And I think, Elikqitie, you’ve always been a do what you want kind of person. I used to be, and then I kinda started not being that way for a while, and I’m just kinda I’m I’m over that now. I’m gonna be who I wanna be and do what I wanna do. and I love it. And there’s a phrase that I have not brought up here, and and you said we should talk about it. So, yeah, why don’t you leave with that? They’re finally tied in. You’re right. You should do that.

Elikqitie [00:02:49]:

Yes. I heard somebody say it. Like, I I can’t remember who it was, and they and they said, people should stop, like, stop shitting all over me, which is a great phrase because I like, the word should. Right? Wait. When you think about it. So, like, you can tell people, have you considered, or have you thought about. But when you tell people you should, that means for for me and for, I guess, anyone else listening to That means that you are taking what you believe and what’s right for you and telling other people what they need to do based on what you think. Now okay. There are some exceptions, like, if somebody is a drug addict and you say you should get off the drugs. Now, of course, that makes sense. Right? But if you’re just talking about things that aren’t like life or death or health threatening or anything like that, then, yes, then should is not a word that should be used frequently. We gotta stop shooting on each other. Yes. We need to stop shooting on each other.

Jen Hardy [00:03:48]:

I love it. You know, and that that has a lot to do with being over 50. Right? because people have assumptions as to what we should wear and what we should look like. And oh my goodness. I had someone tell me that when you turn forty, you have to cut your hair short. You have to. You can’t have your hair long. And from then on, and I’m like, what is that? You know, we both have longer hair. You know? I don’t think that’s a thing. I love it when women have that thick, long, gray hair. I say, I just think it’s so beautiful. You know? And I get cutting it if it’s really thin or whatever and you need to, you know, or if you like it short, there’s nothing wrong with that. But I just don’t think we have to be told we should.

Elikqitie [00:04:27]:

No. No. And it’s funny because this is actually so for the people who are listening to audio, my hair is, like, down to, like, the top of my girls, basically. And so and so but this is actually short. I had my hairdresser cut 3 inches off of it for me. So, yeah, I mean, the thing is is, like, if who whatever age you are, right, you can, like, you can wear whatever you want. Like, don’t don’t like, I feel like I’m not gonna let society dictate to me, like, what I can and can’t wear. Now there’s certain things I don’t wanna wear because I feel like it looks too young to me or it looks like I’m a teenager. And that but that’s for me. Like, I’m not telling someone else what to wear. And if I see another woman wearing it, like, I I wear it. No. But, like, I can’t tell her that’s not right for her. I mean, maybe that’s the look she likes. And that’s fine. Like but I I’m just not gonna wear because it’s not for me. But the same token, I’m not also gonna tell somebody else that you should dress a certain way be especially because you’re a certain age. Like hey. Because it’s ridiculous to say, like, oh, when you hit a certain age, you need to dress like this or look like this or not wear this and that because it’s like, Why? Why? Because society tells you that. Like, society used to tell women 100 years ago that they could they had to get married to a certain person that their family told them to. And if they even if they didn’t wanna get married, they had to go court and appeal that to not get married. That’s ridiculous. Right? Like, this is what society told women they should do. I mean, you can apply that to any age. Right? Like, when women were told what they should do in a lot of different ages, including today, and I feel like that should just be taken off the table altogether. Because, I mean, if you think about it, right, like, look at guys. Like, there’s a lot of older men who are, quote, unquote, looked viewed at a sexy, but then what? When women get older, we can’t be sexy. I think that’s ridiculous. Like, Paula Periscova, who is arguably the most beautiful woman on earth who was who was married to not arguably the most unattractive male her. She did this she did this picture on Instagram where she was naked, and she covered her, like, her girls and her her b v parts. And she she’s like, why why is it that older women can’t be beautiful and sexy. Like, older women can be beautiful and sexy. Like, there’s nothing wrong with older women being beautiful and sexy. We society just needs to accept that, you know, once you get past 30 and you’re female, hey. Guess what? You can still be you can still have sex appeal. You can still have your mojo. You can still dress sexy and and look hot and be attractive to multiple ranges of ages of guys. Like, it doesn’t have to be only guys in your age range. Right? Like, It’s so silly to have this very close minded view of what you what you quote, unquote, should look like and what you shouldn’t look like after you hit 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 or whatever. I mean, when I hit 80, I’ll still be wearing my bikini on the beach.

Jen Hardy [00:07:28]:

Yeah. Yeah. And we got and you know at the end of that. That’s so and, you know — It’s a lot of over 80. Oh, that’s so funny. I haven’t heard of that. Well — Yeah. You know what I — — back and forth one day. But, anyway, y’all is funny. Yeah. We yes. We were oh, yeah. So we we because we are going to start that when we turn 80. what it is. I thought it was out there. I’m like, wait a minute. I forgot to see so memory. Sometimes it happens. The flip side of that, though, is that there are certain women over overfit well over 50. And I’m thinking here Jane Fonda, you know, women like that that have had so much surgery. And, you know, if Lasse surgeries, your your jam. I I’m not gonna tell you shouldn’t get it either. Like, that’s your thing. Right? I have yeah. You can do that if you want. I mean, I’m tempted. I’m not gonna lie this thing with my neck and my mouth looking sad. Like, I’d really love to do that. But at the same time, think it’s really sad in the media. So the oldest person ever to be on a swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated was Martha Stewart. It just came out. But she was so surgically, and airbrush altered. She looked like she was 25. And I think that is very sad because someone who’s married to an eighty year old woman. Like, she is she’s eighty something. Is then gonna look at his wife and think, well, what’s wrong with you? Right? You don’t look at all like that because let’s be real. I mean, once you hit 80, you know, I used to bathe my ex mother-in-law, you know, in her seventies. I know what that body looks like, and it’s not what was on that cover. And I think we really need to normalize bodies in America. You know? I know, like, in Japan, and my and my daughter lives in Germany. They do the same thing where they have these bath houses and spas and whatever where you go naked, and I think it’s such a more healthy thing because families grow up seeing older people look like natural older people, and they have very healthy body images there. But here, oh my goodness. If your skin isn’t, like, perfectly smooth, you’re done.

Elikqitie [00:09:23]:

Well, yeah. It is the whole societal expectation of, like, oh, you should always look good no matter what age you’re at. And and that is so it because everybody has different factors for variables. Like, we have all, like, autoimmune disease, so, like, that’s gonna affect how we look. And, like and and what you can do too. Right? Like, I was at the gym, and I was going for my first gym orientation because we joined a new gym. And the girl who was training me, she’s very nice. She was my daughter’s probably my daughter’s age, like, twenty something. And she was like, well, you need to eat 40 grams of protein per meal per day. And I looked at her and said, honey, there’s no way that’s happening. I’m like, I need to eat a ton of fiber. because I have celiac disease. I’m like and if I don’t eat a ton of fiber, like, nothing nothing is moving. Let me just put it that way. And she’s like, oh, well, if you wanna get the most gains out of your gym workout. I’m like, no. I’m not even there. I’m like, I just need to get to the gym. If I’m getting to the gym, that’s my gains. But, yeah, it’s all like we so, yeah, because when when you have women who get a lot of work done and then people see them, and they’re like, oh, they’re 75, and they look like 30. Yeah. Because they’ve had a lot of work done. Right? But but that shouldn’t be a societal expectation for everyone to look like that. So here’s a real really good example. I used myself. So I I had 2 very large babies. They were 8, twelve, and nine pounds. And so I had a 4 inch separation of my stomach muscles And everywhere I went, like, I looked like I was 8 months pregnant, and it was there it was not fat whatsoever. It was just because my muscles were just bent out of shape. And I looked like I was pregnant, and people would ask me, when are you due? When are you due? And I got tired of it. And the last person that asked me that, I said 23 years ago. because I’m like, I’m not pregnant. When I was pregnant. That was perfectly fine for people to ask me. And, of course, I lived in Utah at the time, and so everybody had 4 kids. So everybody was pregnant all the time. And my older daughter was very nice. She’s mom. It’s actually a compliment. Nobody thinks you’re fifty if they’re asking you if you’re pregnant. And I’m like, okay. That’s true, but I still don’t wanna look pregnant. So I got a tummy Because and and I told I went to 5 different doctors to get opinions, and one of them wanted to do all this liposuction. He’s like, you’re not gonna be happy unless you have all this done. I’m like, no. I don’t want to look perfect. I just wanna look proportional. I just don’t want anyone to ever ask me again when are you due. till I had the benefits of a tummy tuck and got that got my got my core resold back to together. My surgeon actually said he almost he didn’t think he could do it because I had such a big separation, but he was able to do it because I was working out a lot. And so, anyway so is my stomach perfect? No. It’s still not completely flat, but I look proportional, and that’s what I wanted. Right? Like, I didn’t wanna look like somebody else didn’t wanna look like that girl in the cover magazine. I just wanted to look proportional for my body type because I know because I didn’t want people to keep skinny when I was due. And so for me, that was really great. Of course, it has side effects. Like, there’s a huge spot on my stomach. I still can’t feel because you have lots of nerve damage from when you have your your whole entire body just peeled open, basically. But there’s lots of positives. Like, my bladder issues went away. My back pain completely went away almost. I had sciatica don’t have that anymore. The other thing that my doctor didn’t tell me because it was Utah, and nobody ever talks about sex, is one of the benefits of a tummy tuck, it puts everything back in the right place, including your g spot. And let me tell you, Jen, the sex oh my god. It’s like, I’m twenty 2 again having sex. It’s amazing. So he didn’t tell me about that. And my girlfriend who had it done didn’t tell me about that either, but she wasn’t in a relationship, so she wasn’t having But, yeah, I mean, there’s pros and cons to everything. Right? You just have to be okay with the downside of whatever it is you’re doing. Like, if you wanna get a face lift, a face lift, but know that you’re gonna have, like, some issues with it. It’s not gonna feel the same when you’re on the other side. And so My stomach doesn’t feel the same, but I can wear normal clothes now. I don’t I I donated all my clothes that were, like, huge in the front because I had to cover my stomach. I don’t have to do that anymore. And so that’s really exciting for me, and that’s a self confidence boost for me. But I didn’t wanna look like somebody else. I didn’t I didn’t So so if you’re gonna do something, do it for you. Don’t do it because you wanna look like the girl on Instagram or you wanna look like the girl in the magazine, do it because it’ll it’s it’s something for you that you wanna have done, and don’t do it for your significant other. I know people who have done that, and then there’s significant others leave them because That is not the right way to do it. If you do anything, dieting, exercise, whatever, don’t do it for somebody else. Do it for you because you’re the person who’s most important, and you’re the person who who you wanna you need to invest that time and money and effort into yourself, and I think that’s the most important thing.

Jen Hardy [00:13:55]:

Yeah. And if your significant other is not happy with you without you being surgically altered, that’s a consideration that you need to make into whether you wanna stay in that relationship or not. I’m just gonna throw my 2¢ out there seriously. Because if they love you, they need to love you, and they certainly aren’t perfect. But yeah. And the the reason that I that I’m thinking about my face, and I won’t do it because I have myasthenia, and so surgery involves all kinds of, like, I could die. And so that’s not worth it. except that everybody keeps saying, oh, your grandson is so cute. Your granddaughter and whatever. And I’m like, no. This is my son and daughter. Stop saying grandchildren. That that that that’s what really bothers me. And, you know but other than that, I don’t care. Some days I look younger, some days I look my age, and It is what it is. And I just want people to know that it’s okay. You know? It’s okay. And if you wanna use makeup you know, I finally have learned how to use makeup to do to make my face look like I’d like it to look on the days that I care. And but it’s funny because I’ve worked so hard to learn. It’s taken me a couple of years to learn how to do it with older skin because it’s not the same putting eyeliner when there’s wrinkles there. But my son, when I I’ve learned how to do so well that he’s like, I want my mommy. You don’t look like my mom. Stop wearing makeup. So when I’m at home, I don’t you know what? I’m just gonna be around the house. I don’t wear it at all because I he finds it really creepy, which tells me that I’m doing it right, honestly. But but, you know, I I did thing you know, I was on TikTok for a very short amount of time, and I did a thing on there that was saying, you know, we are It’s crazy that we hand a a box of art, like an art kit to a woman and say make yourself look better. you know, paint your face and make yourself look better. We don’t do that to men. Right. — shower, run their fingers through their hair, and they’re done. And I don’t know. I mean, I really wish that I could get I did get away with that for a while when I really didn’t feel well, but I I really did not look my best. And I think there’s there’s some there’s a there’s a line, I guess, and whatever you feel comfortable. Right? And if you wanna run your fingers through your hair and put on some yoga pants and you feel fabulous, that is awesome. And there are days when that makes me feel fabulous, and there are days when it does not. And I feel like dressing up. You know? And I think that’s the point of this whole discussion. Right? So we can do what we want. Yeah.

Elikqitie [00:16:15]:

Yeah. And I think yeah. And I think you do too, especially when you have, like, chronic illness and disease or sickness or whatever. Like, it’s okay to have a crap day. Like, I woke up this morning, my allergies are flared up. Like, I have not been feeling good the past 4 days. I’m not even wearing any makeup on your video right now. And, I mean, I can totally tell because my face looks so pale. But it’s like, But it’s like, okay. It’s okay to have a bad day. And and and, conversely, it’s okay to have a bad day, and put on makeup to make yourself feel better, or it’s okay to have a bad day and get dressed up to make yourself feel better. My grandmother had autoimmune disease called polymyositis, and it affected her muscles and her joints. And she said dressing up makes me feel better, and she used to get dressed up for almost every time she went out because it would just make her feel better. And I didn’t get it at the time because I was a kid, but as an adult with chronic illness, I totally understand that now. And so, yeah, like, you have to give yourself the grays to be like, okay. Today, I ain’t gonna wear yoga pants and put my hair up in a bun and not wear makeup because I feel like crap. And tomorrow may be a better day. Tomorrow or might not, but you that you have to give yourself that grace if you’re gonna get through it without adding extra anxiety to your daily life. And that’s one of the things I had a huge realization of the past couple of years. It’s like, okay. Today is not a great day. Like but what can I do? Right? Like, I hear you say this a lot on your podcast. What can I do today? Maybe I can sweep the kitchen floor. Maybe I can make myself a protein drink. But, like, you have to look at what you can do and kinda motivate yourself to do those little things That way that way for me, anyway, it makes me feel a little bit productive. Like, I haven’t done what’s on my checklist, but I did something today.

Jen Hardy [00:17:50]:

Yeah. Absolutely. And I just wanna point out, you look gorgeous without any makeup at all. Like, you look like and your hair oh my gosh. It’s just beautiful. And see, I feel like I cannot wear my hair just straight like that. I but you look so pretty. And so I just Oh, I think you, Jeff. Let’s point that out. It’s you know? And, you know, and another thing too for people, our age, and older, is that, you know, when I grew up, everything had to match. Right? person shoes had to match. You know? We also had to wear a hoodie thing — — which are out the door. You know? But I love it. Thank god. Can I say, thank god, we don’t have to wear nylons anymore. I hated that as a kid because I was a tomboy, and I still dislike it. I like do you like wearing leggins in the winter to keep my legs but I don’t wear leggings. Mhmm. Oh, yeah. And I miss my boots because, you know, now I’m in Florida and the leggings and boots I can’t wear. And I that that’s really sad. but it’s way it’s way too hot. And on the 2 days that we could wear them, I couldn’t find my boots. I was so sad. But but yeah. You know, I think that is the ultimate the right the leggings with the long tunic shirt. Like, when I lived in Nashville, that’s what I wore half the year because I just it’s it’s comfortable.

Elikqitie [00:18:56]:

But, yeah, But I just love the again and the thing too about being older is we stop giving 2 craps about what everybody else thinks, or we can — Yeah. — stop. You know? Some people don’t But, you know and then you can wear, you know, what you want and do what you want, and I just feel so much more confident in my skin, which is funny because I didn’t feel confident in my skin when I was even up to a couple years ago at all. And the older I get, and I’m a little bit bigger than I used to be. And I I still feel better about myself than I did when I was younger and skinnier. So But you’re but you’re nothing at all. Like, I look at you, and I don’t I don’t think to myself, oh, Jen’s fat. Like, I never have thought that. Like, I thought I always look at you and think you look great. Like, you look amazing. Like, especially for our age. Like, we I remember you talking about I think we talked about this over the phone, is that, like, over 50, like, we are the cream of the car. Like, we because but we take care of ourselves. Right? eat healthy, we exercise. We do all the things we need to do even though we have all these issues going on. But what a lot of women, I think, don’t realize is that it is your choice on what you decide to do. Like, if you decide to wear makeup, if you decide to get a tummy tuck, if you decide not to get a tummy tuck, it’s your choice. Like, don’t let someone else. Like, yes. Get information. Get a you can get advice from somebody, but that doesn’t mean you have to take their advice. if you feel like, instinctually, in your gut, it’s not right for you, don’t do it. It is your choice to do whatever you wanna do, and don’t let society dictate to you what you what they what society thinks you should do. Because, like I have a saying, I’d rather make my own mistake than make somebody else’s which means, like, I’d rather take the chance and do what I wanna do and make a mistake than someone saying, oh, you should do x y z, and then I do x y z and make the mistake because then I’m making someone else’s mistake, and I’m not making my mistake. And then that really gets under my skin because I’m like, oh, I shouldn’t have listened to that person. Like, I knew better. Like, I had that gut instinct feeling, and always go with your gut. Like, always go with your instinct, your intuition. No matter what it’s telling you and no matter what situation you’re in, always go with your intuition because it’s always gonna lead you in the right way.

Jen Hardy [00:21:04]:

Absolutely. And, you know, do you ever find where You can go out one night and have ten people tell you, you look beautiful, you look whatever. I love that outfit. But if one person says, oh, you know, I might not have worn that or whatever. That’s the one thing that’s with us,

Elikqitie [00:21:17]:

or if one person says something about your body or whatever, you for the rest of your life, you might just cling on to that. We need to stop that Just that let’s let one guy’s voice go you know, there’s always that one guy. Like, any group you’re in, any whatever — We’re girl. — or girl. Yeah. But that one person, right, who’s who’s always, like, makes you feel bad. Just that person doesn’t matter to you anymore. You gotta let them go. — the thing. Yes. I’ve been I’ve been doing a lot of Buddhist, like, listening to a lot Buddhism podcast, and I’ve been learning a lot about Buddhism. And one of the things they talk about is emotional separation. Like, don’t like, emotionally separate yourself from those people who make you, quote, unquote, feel bad because that’s they’re making you feel bad because you are letting that bad energy their negative energy in to your into, basically, your where your space. And so you can say, oh, that person said they didn’t look nice. Oh, well. and just and not let it bother you. Right? But, again, that’s a choice. That’s a choice to not let it bother you. Because and and and it sounds weird. Right? Because somebody says something negative to you, of course, it’s gonna bother you. But you can actually separate yourself from it and say, you know what? I’m gonna choose not to let that bother me. I’m gonna choose to focus on, like, I know I look good, and that’s all that counts. Like, I I wanna look good. This is the dress I wanted to wear. This is the outfit I wanted to wear. This is the how I wanted to wear my makeup. And this is what makes me feel good, and I’m gonna go with this, not what that person said. Because you can’t control what’s going on around you. You can only control yourself.

Jen Hardy [00:22:45]:

Absolutely. And and family too, you know, even if family says things. I know my family my kids will make comments about certain things. because they have an idea of what style or fashion or whatever should be right now. And so they’re like, mom. mom, you know, that that particular tone, mom, you know, and I’m like, but I’m gonna do it because this is what I wanna And when you’re fifty, you probably will change your mind about that because I have realized that fashion is a racket, and it is a racket to get us to buy a whole new wardrobe every single year, which is honestly what I used to do when I lived in LA because it was like, oh my gosh. If there’s 5 buttons instead of 4 buttons on your shirt, you stow out of style. And I I remember moving to Tennessee right in 2000 I remember thinking these people have no idea how out of style they are. But, really, that was the rest of the world thinks that that is normal. It’s it’s not that LA attitude of, you know, whatever. I don’t even I can’t even tell you. how many, like, fashion rules there were and all this stuff. But at the same time, a standard birthday present was a nose job for a sixteen year old or a boob job. So, you know, that goes to show you. but which is why I got out of there. And if you live there and you’re all into that, that’s okay too. Right? I just don’t think we should feel like we have to conform to all of that. Yes. It goes back to the should thing. Right? We should not have to conform to that at all. And if you want to, though I mean, if you wanna walk the red carpet, and you’re an actress, you you kinda have to conform. I mean, that’s just just how it is because that’s what our society tells you. But, you know, everybody else I I just love that I can be myself, and I don’t have to do that. And I never did, but I thought I did.

Elikqitie [00:24:30]:

Yeah. And, I mean but, I mean, that’s even a choice. Like, if you wanna choose to live that lifestyle. Right? Like, I don’t wanna live that lifestyle. And I I went to LA for the first time, like, 3 months ago, And it’s like yeah. It’s very glitzy. It’s very glamoury. It’s very, like, this is this is, like you see the women all wearing the same types of shoes and all wearing the same whatever? It’s like, yeah. If you wanna look like everybody else and be in style and be if that’s fine. But it’s like yeah. Like, it’s just I don’t know. I I I just don’t I don’t buy into that. And then and then, again, even if you’re an actor, certain actor, you know, you’re gonna have to look a certain way. And then if you want to get into that lifestyle, that’s your choice again. But, you know, but if you if you don’t like that or if you feel like whatever it is that someone’s telling you should do is stressing you out, then that’s a key indicator that’s something that you don’t need to do.

Jen Hardy [00:25:19]:

Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Don’t do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, We don’t have to do things that make us feel uncomfortable anymore. I mean, we should have never done it, but I feel like we were told for a long time, you know, the whole should thing. And and you just you don’t. so it’s okay. You just just be you. I think that is, like, that’s it right there. Be yourself. Just you. Yes. Be be unapologetically

Elikqitie [00:25:42]:

you. There we go. We should end on that. Alright. Thank you, Electricity, so much for joining me today. I really appreciate it. This has been awesome. Well, thanks for having me on, Jen. I really love being on your podcast, and I really love your show. It’s really great. It’s always a good pick me up when I’m listening to your show.

Jen Hardy [00:25:59]:

Thank you. I’ll talk to you later.

Jen Hardy [00:26:02]:

Okay. I absolutely love her energy. She just makes me so happy when I talk to her, and she’s a great friend, but also has such great ideas about being ourselves and being unique and being strong in that. and that’s something that I really, really, really truly want to convey to you is that you can be you. No matter what anybody says, you do what you wanna do. Right? I mean, as long as it’s safe and healthy and whatever, go for it. And I’m so glad that I have a friend like a liquidy. And if you know somebody who’s doesn’t have a lot of friends or is it maybe able to drive and can’t get to them? They’re feeling a little bit lonely. Consider signing them up for Joan’s friends. It is my Daily email, it’s got a video in it that’s about 3 to 4 minutes every day that just lets them know they’re loved and encourages them. and lets them have someone every single day be their inbox bestie, and they know that I’ll just be there to lift them up. Because Everybody needs that, and, unfortunately, not everybody has it. So I hope that you can share this episode with a friend because I know that you’ve got some amazing friends because you’re an amazing woman. And I so appreciate you taking your time to listen to the show. And you’re definitely gonna wanna turn into the next one because tune into the next one. I don’t know how you would turn into it, but yeah, it’s going to be really amazing, and I cannot wait to see you there. Stay tuned, and stay fabulous.

We hope you like this episode about shoulding on yourself & look forward to next time.

don't should on me

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