Image of Jen Hardy with fireworks on the logo for unleashing the freedom

Unleashing the Freedom: 4 ways to Celebrate the Freedom of Being a Woman Over 50

Are you unleashing the freedom?

Welcome, fabulous! It’s time to do what we want without overthinking it, listening to the people who say we can’t, and breaking the barriers we created for ourselves! Today, we embark on a  journey celebrating the freedom that comes with being a woman over 50. We’re embracing our true selves, basking in the glorious liberation that accompanies this stage of life. So buckle up, ladies, as we embark on a joyous adventure of wit, wisdom, and the unapologetic freedom that awaits us!

Jen and Dave Hardy on a park bench
Unleashing the freedom to be silly in public

4 ways to celebrate the Freedom of Being a woman over 50

Seize the day

As women over 50, we embrace the art of seizing the darn day! We’ve become masters of living in the present, savoring each moment, and unleashing our passions with gusto. Skydiving? Why not? Learning salsa dancing? Absolutely! Nothing holds us back from embracing the exhilarating possibilities life has to offer. Do you know what? , this also means that we can choose not to do the things we don’t want to do. “NOT seizing the day” can be just as important!!

Sometimes, sitting out in the summer heat with the sweat, mosquitoes, and sent of every sweaty person in the crowd is a little bit overwhelming. Do you know what fabulous? It’s OK to stay home and watch those fireworks on TV. Or maybe not at all. Oh my gosh! Did I say that out loud? But seriously, it’s all right to make the choices that make you happy now. It always was, but seriously, girl speak up and let people know what you want.

Become the Queen of Self-Care:

After years of putting others first, we have come to realize the importance of self-care. From luxurious spa days to indulging in our guilty pleasures guilt-free, we pamper ourselves with the devotion of royalty. Like that Ben and Jerry’s that’s under the frozen veggies calling my name in the freezer. Anything you want fabulous! It’s time to pamper ourselves!!

Celebrate the Wisdom of Life’s Lessons:

With age comes wisdom, and boy, do we have stories to tell! We’ve weathered the storms, climbed mountains, and navigated the intricate maze of life. Every wrinkle tells a tale, every scar holds a lesson. We embrace our wisdom like a coveted secret, sharing it with the world and empowering the younger generations with our sage advice. In our pursuit of freedom, we’ve bid farewell to the suffocating “shoulds” that once plagued our lives. We now revel in the authenticity. Whether it’s a change in career, exploring new hobbies, or dyeing our hair purple, we fearlessly embrace our true selves and let our uniqueness shine.

Reinvent Your Relationships:

Got people in your life that make you as uncomfortable as that tight, itchy sweater in summer? It’s time to let it go! I’m basking in the beauty of reaching a stage where I genuinely care less about what others think and choose to spend my precious time with people who make me feel good! Girl, we’ve earned our stripes and traded them for the armor of self-assurance. From fashion choices to life decisions, we can rock our unique style and say goodbye to the opinions of those haters.

Being a woman over 50 means redefining relationships on our own terms. We choose quality over quantity, surrounding ourselves with a tribe of supportive and like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire us. We redefine romance, embracing new beginnings and connections that bring joy and fulfillment. The freedom to cultivate deep, meaningful relationships without the weight of societal expectations is truly liberating. Want more fabulous friends over 50? I’ve got a group for that! Go to and ask for your invitation!!

Let’s raise our glasses, and bask in the glorious freedom that being a woman over 50 brings. We’re embracing our true selves, laughing in the face of societal expectations, and unleashing a spirit that’s wild, bold, and gloriously, fabulously unapologetic. Embrace your true self, dance like nobody’s watching, and savor the exhilaration of life. Cheers to the untamed spirit of freedom!


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I've found the secret to freedom lies in embracing my age, because with it comes wisdom, confidence, and the courage to live life on my own terms.
Jen Hardy
image of Jen Hardy wearing a wild gold and black shirt
We have the freedom to wear what we want - even when it's a little wild!


Today the show notes are the transcript!!

freedom of being a woman over 50
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