Some things are just so unbelievable, but TRUE it's hard to believe! And these weird Florida laws are no exception!
Hello Fabulous! It’s time to dive into the wonderfully wacky world of American laws. Let’s cut to the chase: America has some pretty strange rules on the books, and I’m here to dish out the details. First up, if you’re craving bear claws while wandering the wilds of Maine, stick to the pastry kind, my friend. Actual bear claws?
Down in Florida, where I reside among the eternal sunshine, there’s a law that’s music to no one’s ears – singing off-key in your bathing suit is a big no-no. So, when in Florida, make sure those vocal cords are as finely tuned as your suntan. And don’t even think about a melodic dip in the pool unless your pitch is perfect.
Alabama’s got some driving advice that’s…well, eyesight is quite essential. Apparently, behind-the-wheel blindfolding was such a popular pastime that it needed to be specifically banned. Keep this in mind: If you can’t see where you’re going, maybe don’t go anywhere at all, especially not Alabama.
Let’s mosey over to Tennessee, folks, where roping fish is frowned upon. That’s right, cowpokes; in Tennessee, lassos are strictly for land-based critters. Fish wrangling with a rope is off-limits, so best to save your cowboy antics for the rodeo. But wait, there’s more!
I’ve got some curious tidbits from my home state to share. Did you know that in Tampa Bay, rats are forbidden from abandoning ship? How this law is enforced remains a mystery—perhaps they have a tiny rat brig for stowaways? And in Miami, pulling off a serenade while simultaneously vending oranges in your swimsuit? That’s a recipe for trouble – you’ve been warned. After all, nothing disrupts a beachside fruit sale like an impromptu concert in swimwear.
I’ve got a soft spot for the American justice system and the sheer absurdity of some of these outdated laws, and here’s one of the silliest: remember not to feed the alligators (it’s illegal, and, well, just plain unsafe), always stay awake under that hairdryer (lest you and your stylist get fined), and keep your dishes intact (because nobody likes a chip in their china). And let’s make America not just great but downright pleasant – with or without the laws about bear claws and off-key tunes.
To wrap our whimsical journey, let’s not just follow the law – let’s have fun with it! And the next time life gives you a traffic fine or a jaywalking ticket, just think: somewhere in Florida, a person might be getting into hot water for sleeping under a hairdryer or for a rat absconding from a ship.
Stay tuned, and stay fabulous
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You will find unbelievable, but true: weird Florida laws, and if you subscribe, you will get to find out the weird and quirky laws from all the states as we go through this silliness

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Jen Hardy [00:00:03]:
Today, we’re talking about some weird American laws because America’s got some weird stuff going on and a lot of that has to do our judicial system. That’s why it’s our new series starting with today’s really weird stuff, man. Okay. Did you know that it is illegal to sell bear claws in Maine? And when I say bear claws, I don’t mean like the donuts. I mean, like claws from a bear. So if you were thinking about going to Maine and tracking down some bears, don’t do it. Alright. What’s another one? Did you know that singing off key is prohibited while wearing a bathing suit in Florida? Now I live in Florida, and I’m occasionally singing off key, and apparently, that’s against the law.
Jen Hardy [00:00:51]:
Who knew? Here’s another one in in Alabama, and this is the one that Ralph and I were actually laughing about today. It’s illegal to drive while blindfolded. Alright, guys. So stop going to Alabama and driving blindfolded. Apparently, that’s the thing. And how are you gonna get to Alabama anyway when you’ve been driving with a blindfold on? I have no idea. Okay. Now oh my goodness.
Jen Hardy [00:01:18]:
In Tennessee, where I spent 20 years of my life, and I love it there, by the way, but they do have a law that’s silly. Are you ready? You cannot use a lasso to catch. Can you guess? Can’t use a lasso to catch. Yeah. That’s right. It’s a fish. Alright. So if you were thinking about going fishing in Tennessee with your rope, well, better put a hook on the end of it because you’re not gonna lasso anything.
Jen Hardy [00:01:46]:
Alright. So this is the kind of thing. It’s kinda like shower thoughts. Right, where we got something silly, but also, you know, facts because, yeah, we’re gonna we’re gonna get kinda deep on some of these episodes. In fact, let’s put a pin in these silly laws because I wanna tell you something. I need you to either if we are watching the video, make a comment down below. If you’re listening to the podcast, go to Send me a message.
Jen Hardy [00:02:14]:
Let me know what kind of questions you want me to ask these judges and these lawyers because I know you’ve got questions. I’ve got questions. Everyone’s got questions. You know? About your family law, about inheritance, about what are you gonna do with your house? You know? All these kind of things or wacky stuff. Ask away. And as long as it’s, you know, relatively okay, I will feel free to ask the judge and the lawyer and find out all the things you want, because I wanna know what you wanna know. Right? We yeah. Okay.
Jen Hardy [00:02:40]:
So since I live in Florida, I thought I would relay a fun game with you that I learned a few years ago. If you put in Florida man in your birth date in Google, you will come up with some crazy shenanigans that have been going on in Florida because and here’s why. See, some people think that so many more people in Florida get arrested because, I don’t know, of the heat or the gators or, you know, whatever the thing is. But really, the laws here say that this is true. Things are really open here. So, any interaction that you have to do with government is public knowledge, which sounds great until you’re the one being arrested and it really wasn’t your fault. Or if I wanna email a county office, that’s public record, and any Joe Schmo can get my email address and my phone number if I put it in the mail and know anything I said. Wanna turn in your neighbor? Don’t do it because it’s public record.
Jen Hardy [00:03:34]:
Alright. So, you know, be careful here. In Florida, don’t do wrong things. Although, I’d have to say, just don’t do wrong things anywhere. We’re not lawbreakers. No. You’re my audience. You are wonderful.
Jen Hardy [00:03:45]:
Okay. Let’s get to it. Today, we’re gonna talk about Florida’s weird laws because as I said, this is where I am on this beautiful island. And, you know, it’s funny because my oldest son hates Florida because the first time he went to Florida, he got stung by a stingray. Now his claim to fame is he survived. Woo hoo. And learned how to use the hospital system because he was just 18, and I wasn’t in Florida at that time. Anyway, so he did not when I moved here, he was like, I am never visiting.
Jen Hardy [00:04:16]:
I hate Florida. But then when he came to our little island, he said that this is not like the rest of Florida, and it’s not. It’s like, it’s a tropical oasis. And if you can come, you should, but you should let me know first. Not a fan of people who drop in because it’s kinda creepy, especially if I don’t know you. But, anyway, I digress. Florida law. Number 1, Florida law forbids rats to leave the ships docked in Tampa Bay.
Jen Hardy [00:04:42]:
Now who’s getting arrested for that? I don’t know. I’ll just leave it at that. Alright. In Hialeah, Florida, ambling and strolling is a misdemeanor. Alright. This next one, I looked it up. If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle. So here’s the funny thing.
Jen Hardy [00:05:12]:
If a law has been made, that means that it has been done so many times and there have been so many issues that somebody went and, you know, started the bill, and then they voted on it, and they made it a law. Like, a lot there’s a lot of process getting a law made. So when you’re listening to these things, you have to realize all these things have been done before and done enough that there had to be a rule about it. Alright. In Florida, failure to tell your neighbor his house is fire on fire is illegal. Let me tell you something. If my neighbor’s house is on fire, I’m calling the fire department and yeah. But probably I’m running to his house as I’m doing that to make sure they’re safe.
Jen Hardy [00:05:55]:
Alright. In Florida, it is illegal to fish while driving along across a bridge. As I have said, these things have been done. Just saying. It also says it’s illegal to skateboard without a license, and I didn’t look that one up, but I’m going to. My daughter has a skateboard. Just saying. Did you know that women in Florida can be fined for falling asleep under a hairdryer as can the salon owner.
Jen Hardy [00:06:29]:
So ladies, if you think that you’re gonna go to the hair salon and have a nice relaxing day and close your eyes, you better think again, unless you wanna go down to the old poky. Alright. Did you know? You’re not allowed to break more than 3 dishes per day or chip the edges of more than 4 cups and or saucers. Goodness gracious. Good thing they don’t come to my house. I’m kinda clumsy. I’m not gonna lie. Did you know it’s illegal for well, I already said that one.
Jen Hardy [00:06:59]:
Alright. Did you know that you cannot roll barrels on Pensacola streets because it might cause accidents or block paths? And the fine you pay depends on what’s inside the barrel. Alright. Did you know that according to Florida laws, singing in a swimsuit and selling oranges simultaneously by Miami Beach could land you in some hot water? Alright. The last one. Are you ready? This is one of those, what do they say? You know, survival of the fittest kind of things. I feel like they don’t need even need to be doesn’t even need to be a law because you’re not gonna make it very long if you’re doing this. No person shall intentionally feed or entice with feed any wild American alligator.
Jen Hardy [00:08:02]:
Alright. So that wraps it up for Florida. I’m not gonna continue to read you things. I just thought that they were funny. I hope you got a little laugh. And I thought this is a good smooth transition into the American justice system. It was really interesting when I interviewed judge Boyd because some people from other countries messaged me on YouTube, and they said, hey. You know, I’m from x country or y country or z country.
Jen Hardy [00:08:26]:
There’s people from all over listening. And they said, well, they had given up faith in America until they heard judge Boyd. So you know what, guys? This fabulous over 50 podcast is rekindling people’s belief in America, and that makes me feel very proud. Surprised and very proud. And it’s really kinda sad, isn’t it? The state of things and how people see us. So my encouragement to you is going to be don’t feed the alligators, don’t fall asleep under the hairdryer, and go out and make America a great place. Nope. That’s not a good thing to say.
Jen Hardy [00:09:03]:
Well, never mind that. Let’s just be pleasant. How about that? Be pleasant. Follow the laws. Be a good person. You know what that means. We don’t need to tell you. And I already know that you’re fabulous.
Jen Hardy [00:09:18]:
Fabulous? What is going on with my words today? I’m leaving them in because it’s if you’re watching the video you can see it’s nighttime. I’m a little sleepy, but I just had this hankering for doing this. I don’t know. I’m back in Tennessee mode with my voice and everything for some reason. And I just thought it would be a unique day to do this silly video. So here I am, and here you are. And now we say goodbye.

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