How to use AI

and save hours every day

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Get 2 free weeks of Headliner Pro at

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Want all the AI tips, tricks, and tools? 

Just $247 for 3 AI coaching sessions will get your time back & teach you all you need to get started.

Some of these links are affiliate links &  I may benefit from you clicking on them, you won’t pay more – in fact – you’ll save $$!

Whether you’re a busy professional looking to optimize your workflow, a content creator in search of inspiration, or simply an AI enthusiast eager to explore the vast possibilities, the “Fabulous AI Coach” program is your golden ticket to a more productive, creative, and efficient life. Get ready to unleash the full potential of AI and transform the way you work and create!

Want all the AI tips, tricks, and tools? 

Just $247 for 3 AI coaching sessions will get your time back & teach you all you need to get started.


AI tools to save even more time every day:

Create a video from text in 5 minutes using

Create any written items: blog posts, scripts, etc, in 2 minutes using ChatGPT

Start a business In 20 minutes: you can create a business idea, name, official business plan, logo, press release, social media strategy, and website outline! marketing strategies using ChatGPT

Images – create, improve, cartoon, or expand images you’ve already got in 2 minutes using Fotor

YouTubers & Podcasters – Create EVERYTHING you need for your show in 3 minutes using ChatGPT and

Schedule meetings & automatically post them to my calendar with TidyCal.

Autocreate emails for my list automatically created every time I write a blog post with SendFox


Headliner, 2 weeks free:

Wave: 10% off paid plans:

Cast Magic:

BONUS for podcasters – Get real reviews for your podcast (and give some too) at:

Podlottery: (only works on iPhone for now)

Some of these links are affiliate links &  I may benefit from you clicking on them, you won’t pay more – in fact – you’ll save $$!


Are you a podcaster over 50?

Join the society! Send me a message & I’ll send you an invitation.

AI tools for podcasters
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