Boost Your Confidence with Wigs (Help for Thinning Hair and Hair Loss)


With Beth from Beth’s Best Hair, you can boost your confidence with wigs! Here’s how:

Hey there, fabulous friends!

Welcome back to the blog where I spill the tea on everything that’s boosting our energy, spirit, and overall fabulousness! Today, I had an absolute blast chatting with the one and only Beth from “Beth’s Best Hair” (BB Hair for the insiders). If you’ve ever dreamt of switching up your look with wigs or are dealing with that dreaded hair loss, buckle up because Beth is serving up all the deets on wig wearing.

First off, let’s talk wigs—yes, those delightful hair hats that can completely change your look faster than you can say “synthetic fibers.” I know, I know—wigs have come a long way since the days when they were only for grandmas or Halloween costumes. Beth from Beth’s Best Hair shares all about the incredible variety that’s out there now. She even squashed a few fears, suggesting a low-key, no-pressure scenario like a drive-through run for your first wig test drive. Imagine ordering your latte with a bombshell ‘do—instant confidence boost!
Now here’s the kicker: Beth was here to save us some serious money with a discount code too. If you’ve always thought wigs were just reserved for celebrities or folks with deep pockets, Beth has news for you. Paula Young offers snazzy wigs starting at $39.99, and with Beth’s 20% off code, you’ve struck hair gold, my friends. 



So how do you know if that wig you ordered online is “the one”? Beth’s got a foolproof system: inspect it, try it on (with the hygiene cap—safety first, people), and if it doesn’t make you feel like Beyoncé, slap on that return label faster than you can say “permatease.” Speaking of permatease, Beth shared that it’s all about that root lift. Look, a flat wig is no fun—think of permatease as the push-up bra for your hair.

Beth suggests dipping your toes (or rather, your head) into the wig world with all the joy of a kid in a candy store. Honestly, she makes it sound like so much fun! Plus, she strongly believes that wigs can give you that extra spring in your step, which we all need sometimes, don’t we? If you need to boost your confidence, and  wig just might be what you need!

For those of you so fearless that even a tornado can’t mess with your hair game, Beth shared her secret weapon: the velvet wig grip cap. It’ll keep that wig snug as a bug on your noggin, even if you’re out swimming. Yep, she doesn’t shy away from getting her wigs wet. Just remember, synthetic wigs are like Gremlins—keep them away from heat or things could get disastrous. 

Beth also dropped some heavy truths about societal pressure and hair loss, especially for us ladies. Hair loss can be a real tough to deal with, but wigs can be a game-changer, helping you reclaim that mojo. And for all you lovely beginners, Beth recommends doing a little homework—YouTube vids are your friends here.

Before I let you go (or head over to Beth’s amazing channel to binge her 400+ videos), my girl has a few final tips: try different wigs for different occasions, and you might not want to go too wild for your first time. You wouldn’t run a marathon in stilettos, so why dive into elaborate wigs before mastering the basics?

Huge shout-out to Beth for joining me and for all the invaluable tips. She’s doing spectacular work while balancing full-time caregiving and working—that’s some Wonder Woman level stuff right there. 

So there you have it, whether you’re a wig newbie or a seasoned pro, I hope you found this as inspiring and enlightening as I did. Go ahead and strut your stuff because you deserve to feel like a million bucks. And when you do, tweet me a pic—I love seeing you all shine!
Stay fabulous,

"You don't have confidence until you do the thing that makes you afraid. And once you do that and you realize you came out okay on the other side, you keep doing it and you keep building your confidence."


Jen Hardy :
Okay, guys. Today, I am so excited because one of my favorite YouTubers is here with me, and her name is Beth – and her YouTube Channel is “Beth’s Best Hair”. And hi, Beth. Okay. And if you could introduce yourself and tell everybody who you are and what you do.

Sure. Absolutely. Well, thank you so much for having me, Jen. This is so much fun. My name is Beth and my YouTube channel is called Beth’s Best Hair. When I started that channel, I didn’t realize that that would be hard to say and that that would be a tongue twister. So you can say BB hair. And I’m still made in my bathroom.

My grandson might be here behind me seeking a peek. It happens.

Jen Hardy :
I love it.

So I review wigs on my channel and I also do some plus size clothing as well. But I started my channel reviewing wigs.

Jen Hardy :
And you do such a phenomenal job. I had no idea that wigs could look like what you look like. I mean, you don’t look like that’s a wig at all. And it I thought it was so refreshing because my podcast is fabulous over 50. Right? So and I’ve got a lot of people in their eighties that listen, and thinning hair is a thing. And I thought, you know, if I could share with them that they could look like you, oh my goodness, it would be so wonderful. So how did you decide that you were gonna wear wigs?

Well, I have struggled with the thinning hair, like you said, my whole life. Finding out then eventually that I had androgenic alopecia. Essentially female pattern hair loss. Mine started with the bald spot, I call it right at the top in my twenties. And, but I was I had so much hair and I was always able to cover it just by parting on the side or whatever, but it just continued to get worse. And I felt really intimidated and inferior about it because I started to notice that the sun was shining, I didn’t want people I felt like people were just staring right there. And I finally found these topics which are hair fibers in my forties. And I had started wearing hair extensions, which didn’t really help here.

But what I would do is I would wear my hair in a messy bun and I would put the topics on. And it would take me a long time to get ready in the morning. And that was in my forties. And then, in my fifties or right when I turned 50, I was like, this is just really getting ridiculous. That was in 2019. And I bought a topper, but the topper didn’t work because you have to have bio hair to blend. And so I never could get it to blend right. And then 2020 rolled around and we were in a lot of Zoom meetings, and I could really see all the way through.

And for me, it felt like you could see right down to my soul and I did not like that feeling at all. And I felt like I was losing my personality because I was so afraid and intimidated about my hair. And so I just started watching YouTube videos then I was I knew I had to do something. And thankfully there are a lot of reviewers on YouTube that really helped me. And, I watched, I’m trying to think of the names, Jo Lynn Beauty was 1, and, I also Daily Dazzle and Dawn, Dawn Stamper was another one that I watched and she played with her waist and had fun. So for about 6 months, I watched videos until finally I bought my first wig in September of 2020.

Jen Hardy :
And, you know, I love because on your channel, you will take off the wig, and people can see what you look like without the wig. And the first time I saw you do that, I was floored. And not in a bad but just I thought it was so incredibly genuine that you were willing to do that and let other women see, hey. You’re not alone. You know? You I’m here with you. I’m here with you. And I think that’s the that’s the thing about your channel specifically, because I watch a few, and everyone’s wonderful. I mean, there’s no negative to say.

Jen Hardy :
But there’s just something where you’re just like, look, I don’t I’m not a professional. I just you know? And you’re cutting the hair, and you’re saying you can play with it, and you can do the things. And it’s empowering. I feel like, you know, that that feeling you were saying you had of, you know, of people seeing through your soul because they’re missing hair. And then look at you now. Like, it’s incredible, isn’t it?

It really it really changed my life. It definitely gave me back my personality. I gave me like, I feel like you don’t have confidence until you do the thing that makes you afraid. And once you do that and you realize you came out okay on the other side, you keep doing it and you keep building your confidence. And that’s how wigs have been for me. And it wasn’t long after that, I started in September of 2020 with my first polyan wig, which was Ashley. And that was just a cute little bob and a lot of people will say, well, maybe start with a similar color, a similar length. So I tried to do that and I went with a little bit shorter because I thought people might just think I cut my hair.

And so I remember getting the tracking information I was at work and I couldn’t wait to run home and put it on and play with it. And I was like, I put it on and it was like, wow. And I started taking selfies, which I’ve never taken a selfie before. And I sent pictures to my sisters and my oldest daughter, my youngest daughter was here. And they were all like, wow, that looks like your hair. So the very next day I wore it to work and I thought, well, you know, if anybody says anything, I’ll just, you know, I don’t know. I’ll just cross that bridge when I get to it. And it was kind of like I walked in, I’m like, pep talk, just own the place, just own the room.

And so I had to pull that confidence out of me and I did and people were like, oh my gosh, I love your haircut. Wow, it looks so cute. And not once did anybody ever think it was a wig and, you know, I’m in a cubicle because I work in an office. People came in and I had to do the spin and they had to see all the way around and I’m like, oh my god. And nobody ever asked me where I got it cut, anything like that. And I was just like, yeah, I thought it was time for new hair. And I just left it at that. And that was it.

And I started, of course, telling more people as I got on and telling some of my closer friends at work and then and I joined some support groups. Then in April of 21, it was. That’s when I started my YouTube channel because I had a lot of people in support groups ask me, how do you make it look so natural? What do you do? You know, you don’t just get a new wig, take it out the box, put it on your head. You can’t just walk out the door like that because it’s probably gonna look like it’s a wig. So, I started recording videos and I that’s when I started my YouTube channel in April of 21. And just showing people, this is a brand new way out of the box. Let’s open it up. This is what we’re gonna do.

And and just show them exactly kind of step by step. And that was really how I started.

Jen Hardy :
It’s incredible. And to and to watch you I don’t know. I love the way you present it. Again, it’s just it’s it’s so cool. And to watch what you do because I said people would have no idea. If they ordered 1, they’d put it on and think, oh, this is horrible. It looks like, you know, it’s been in a box and put it back and ship it back. Right? But but you I don’t know.

Jen Hardy :
Somehow in 5 minutes, you make it look like the hair that’s grown out of your head for your whole life. It is so amazing. So did you did someone show you or did you just learn from YouTube?

I watched YouTube videos and, you could the people who looked good played with their wigs. And I I noticed there was a little bit of a difference where I actually was watching a lot of videos of, women of color because they were fearless in styling their wigs. And so I would watch a lot of them as well. And Tia Maria is one of my favorites. And, and I saw what they could do with really, like you said, almost amazing what you can do. And I thought, well, I can do that. And really, that’s really simple. It’s just a matter of shaking, maybe a little dry shampoo.

Comb it out, brush it out, you know, play with it a little bit, have fun. And so that’s that’s really what I did. And, and then it got to be really fun, of course, because it was like I had my hair again.

Jen Hardy :
Right. Is it a little addictive to get different ones and see what they look like?

Well, I was just looking at my channel, and I see that I have over 400 videos on my channel. So I’m guessing that, yeah, maybe it is a little bit addictive. And I just started buying wig redoing the wig that I was buying for myself. And then in, July of 21, so just about a couple months after I had started my channel, I thought, well, maybe I should reach out to some of these wig companies and let them know what I’m doing. And so of course, Polly Young was I sent them a message through Instagram because I was buying their wigs. I love their wigs, they’re very affordable, they’re very budget friendly. You know, we’re all on a budget if we’re average hardworking Americans, right? And I thought, well, I have to have hair, but I need to be able to afford hair. And I don’t wanna just have one wig, I wanna have multiple options.

And so I reached out to Polly Young and I said, hey, I have this channel and I would love to do some form of a collaboration. If you’re interested in all that I can review your wigs. And, low and I sent them some links of a few videos that I had done, and lo and behold, they contacted me. And they, whoever was managing their Instagram page at the time, moved it up the chain until the VP of brand management and marketing called me. And she said that the CEO CEO would like me to be their brand ambassador. And

Jen Hardy :
Oh, that’s huge.

I’m like, we’ve never had a brand ambassador. This is a big deal, but we love what you do and we love how how real you are and how natural you are and how you speak to the everyday woman. And so that we kinda went back and forth on a contract and I kinda started with a trial of 6 videos and they liked it. And today I am still working as their brand ambassador. So it’s pretty cool.

Jen Hardy :
So exciting. Yeah. So let’s talk about price because, you know, most people have no idea about price. And so when I started watching your videos, I started looking. Oh my goodness. I mean, there’s some that are, like, $45,000. It’s crazy. And then somebody on another channel, somebody was saying wigs only last 2 or 3 months.

Jen Hardy :
And I thought, well, that can’t be right. So can you what’s the low down on price?

Sure. So the low down on price, let’s start with, there’s so many different factors that create the price, obviously. So I’m wearing a synthetic wig, and synthetic fibers are going to be less expensive than a human hair wig. And I’m fine with that because there’s so many pluses with synthetic wigs because they hold their style. I can if if I order a curly wig, I can wear it, I can wash it and it’s still going to be curly and look exactly the same. So I love synthetic. The other thing would be cap features. There’s what we call a basic cap, then there’s maybe a lace front, then maybe there’s a lace front and a mono part, or maybe completely hand tied where each fiber is individually hand tied into the lace cap.

And then that creates even more movement, but that also brings the price up. And a name like Raquel Welch is going to bring a price up. So Raquel Welch obviously has a brand of wig. So those are going to be more expensive because they’re a Raquel Welch. Polly Young is a company with their whole team of designers. So they’re creating their own designs and those are being made in They’re all being made in the same factories, but they have such a high volume. They’re creating new stuff all the time. So essentially, I feel like it’s almost like we’re buying factory direct from them even though they’re not the factory, but they’re the designer.


Jen Hardy :
What would their average wig price be?

They have wigs as low as 39.99. Wow. And that they had wigs they have been a company for 40 years. They’ve been in business for 40 years. They were selling wigs for 39.99 40 years ago and they still do. But you can go all the way up and they do sell some human hair wigs and you can go up into the 200 for human hair wigs. But I would say probably their sweet spot is around 79.99 or under for wigs. I mean, it’s amazing.

Is it And then Agreed. Yeah. And then there’s discount. So, as a brand ambassador, they’ve given me a discount code and maybe you can link that. It’s

Jen Hardy :
I will. I’ll have it in the description. Absolutely.

Yeah. And so then that gives everybody another 20% off of their wig. So the 79.99, you get 20% off of that. So you really can’t go wrong and, I just think it’s wonderful. It’s they’re always giving you deals like that and there aren’t any other companies that do that.

Jen Hardy :
Well, as I went to look at extensions and they wanted $800 to do extension.

Oh, definitely.

Jen Hardy :
And then but then you’re going. That’s not a one shot deal. Right? You’re going. And then, like you said, if you have a issue in the front, then that’s a whole other thing. Because you can’t put extensions on what’s not there. And so so this is such a more viable option, I think.

Yes. Yes. Definitely. And I just I started just with the premise that I really wanna help people that were struggling like me. Because I struggled for years feeling self conscious about my hair. I mean, decades. And I thought if I can help even just one person, you know, it was kinda scary to like you said, a 50 plus year old woman, plus size woman to put yourself out on the Internet, was kind of a scary thing, but the feedback has been some phenomenal. And women, especially, really appreciate it because I think they can see themselves in me and they can relate.

And, you know, I just knew when I put it on and I went to work that 1st day, and I got such positive feedback, I knew then, like, everything is gonna be okay. I knew I was never gonna go back. Absolutely not. I I never looked back.

Jen Hardy :
Well, yeah. When we were talking the other day, you were saying that other people are responding to you differently as well.

Oh my gosh. Absolutely. I do think so. And, we were saying even like like men, even like walking into a gas station and somebody holding the door for you, never happened. At least it didn’t happen for at least the last 20 years. You know, now that happens quite frequently. Or, hi, how are you? Or or engaging in conversation, which didn’t happen before. And I was always an outgoing person, but I kind of hated because I felt inferior about my hair, if that makes sense.

Jen Hardy :
It does. It does. You know, it’s funny. We were I was talking with my sister-in-law. She was here with her girls and and they were saying, but what is the big deal about thinning hair? And what, you know, what difference does it make if if you’re a woman and you don’t have a lot of hair? And, you know, it it it does, though. It’s when we’re especially when we’re younger, you know, that’s our identity. And, you know, we’re eighties girls. Right? I mean, hair.

Jen Hardy :
That was it. Right? The Baby

hairband, baby.

Jen Hardy :
Yeah. Thing. Right? And so when you lose the ability to create what you you know, it’s it’s like a it’s part of yourself. It really is. And so to be able to get that back is incredible.

Amazing. And I think especially for women, hair loss is hard because I think that women we’re already under a microscope as it is. If you if just just look at the Donald standard even in the industry of on TV, where, you know, men, oh, they’re distinguished as they get older, but then the women, oh, look at her wrinkles, look at her gray hair. They’re it’s just constantly pick, pick, pick. And so absolutely when you work in a professional environment and I’m in the public all the time, I I wanna make sure that I am projecting on the outside the way that I feel on the inside. And I can’t do that if I don’t have hair on my head. And it’s just unfortunate that’s the way society looks at women.

Jen Hardy :
Yeah. We had and when we lived in Pennsylvania, there was a girl in our in our youth group who was 6 and she had alopecia and she was completely bald at 6. And, you know, back then but that was 20 years ago. Right? There weren’t these options. The, you know, the wigs were those, you know, gray, curly, whatever, or really uncomfortable

Golden girls. Yeah.

Jen Hardy :
Are all the wigs that you’re wearing. Do they feel can do they bother you?

It doesn’t bother me. I kind of say it’s like wearing a hat on your head. If you feel like you’re wearing a hat on your head. That’s to me what a wig feels like. Feels like you’re wearing a hat. As now I’ve been wearing waves since 2020, so for 4 years. So for me now, no, I don’t notice it. Sometimes I think I I have gotten a way where maybe it’s a little bit large because you do have to think about like the size of the circumference of your head.

So there are little things to consider. And so I wanna encourage any women out there that are thinking about wigs, watch videos. Watch videos on YouTube, on Instagram, people that can help you and answer those questions. Like, I have playlist on my channel and I have a new wig wearer series playlist. So you kinda know what you need to do in order to start wearing a wig. There’s a little bit of a learning curve shirt, but it’s a pretty short learning curve, and then you you you feel pretty confident.

Jen Hardy :
Do you feel like it’s gonna just fly off your head sometimes? Or do you feel like they’re secure and they’re gonna stay on? I know a lot of people talk about that.

No. Not at all. No. I wear a wig grip cap underneath, and I don’t know if I have I don’t have one out here to show you. But so I wear a velvet wig grip, and it has kind of an attached little, like, wig cap to it. And so what the velvet team does is it stops the wig from like, the wig zap animal. It took I’ve been outside in in 60 mile an hour wind gust, and my wig doesn’t come off my head.

Jen Hardy :
And you said something in one of your videos about all the things you can do with a wig that I think would shock people really because one of them involves water.

Yes. And I love swimming. And we have a beautiful beach here. I have a 10 year old grandson, so we like to go to the beach a lot and I just have a floatie and I love to go out and float. Or, you know, dip your head in the water. Guess what? You can wear a wig and you can go underwater and it’s just fine because the beautiful thing on this pathetic wig, it’s gonna drive looking the same. I mean, you might have to run a comb through it after it dries, but your style is still there. I mean, usually, I will wear a little older one and a little bit of a shorter one, and I’ll twist it up in a claw clip.

And I kind of attach the claw clip to the weft of the wig, and I go and I have fun and I don’t think about it. I go kayaking. I go swimming. I go hiking. I don’t think about it. It’s just so much fun.

Jen Hardy :
That’s I think and that’s the that would be the piece that I think a lot of people would scare people. Right? Because if I can’t have it when I do certain things, I can’t go out in public at all. But there is one thing people should not do with a wig, and it’s something that I actually caught my real hair on fire doing, the night before my wedding. We had our engagement party at our house because I had 4 children. My husband had 1. And so, you know, it was more, you know, low key. And we were gonna grill, and I had never grilled. And I went out there, and I flipped my head up, and literally the edges of my entire head was aflame.

Jen Hardy :
And I was so fortunate because it was just the tips. And because I have long hair, and I just trimmed the tips, and it was still there. Because I can’t imagine having gone bald the night before my wedding. But you did a video about drilling. What can happen when people get close to heat?

So if you’re wearing a synthetic wig, synthetic fibers are plastic. Very fine, so it looks looks and moves like real hair. Right? But you have to remember that. So heat can damage them. Some ways are heat silable, the one I’m wearing is actually heat silable up to 350 degrees. So if I have company and I don’t have the option of going no wig, I will wear a heat friendly wig that I twist up in a clock clip so I don’t have any hair out. And typically I’ll ask somebody else to do the grilling. But if I had to do it myself, that’s what I would do if I if I had company and I had to wear a wig.

And like for the holidays, what I have done, I’m working in the kitchen, you think about like steam. Because what can happen is that it can kind of fry your wig where you get like the little curly cues, or even like singe the ends. So, at Thanksgiving, I just wore a shorter bob and then I was able to still cook all the foods. I don’t stand right in front of the oven door when it opens. We don’t want that blast of heat. I stand off to the side. I open it, let the heat come out, then hit my dish out.

Jen Hardy :
Yeah. I try to remember to do that anyway because I it always. Yeah. My glasses get all steamy and everything.

Or like the dishwasher. Yes.

Jen Hardy :
So okay. So what is there anything else that people should know? If they’re interested, what what would what’s a good way to dip your toes in the water of wigs, so to speak?

To dip your toes in the water of wigs, I would say just do it. Just try it. Because what do you have to lose? And so watch videos though, educate yourself. Definitely educate yourself. I probably went overboard, I watched videos on the daily for 6 months. Until I when I so when I got my wig I knew exactly what to do. But you don’t have to do that, you can dip your toes, I would say wear a wig grip so you know your wig’s not gonna move and kind of understand what features do you want. When they say basic cap that means it doesn’t have a lace front.

When they say lace front that means there is a lace here that is going to blend into your skin so it looks like your hairline. And then if you wanted to do, like, styling off your face partially up, you can. There’s still a little bit of a learning curve with that, but kind of understand the way cats watch videos and look at the styles. Maybe don’t go for Beyonce hair initially, you know? But you can if you want to, if you wanna do it just for fun and like for me, I actually have wigs for occasion. I’ll have wigs for an upcoming wedding. I wanna wear this wig for the wedding. So I do that. Sometimes I’ll get a longer, more beautiful, more voluptuous wig for maybe date night with my husband.

So, you know, but maybe on the daily, I’ll keep it to this length or shorter.

Jen Hardy :
And if they wanna try a wig, they can use your code. It’s how tall. Percent. And then could they say order a few different ones and return some if they just don’t work?

Yeah. So when you get a new wig and it’s in the box, you can look at it, it’s gonna have a crisscross parts and you don’t wanna mess the crisscross part. I always say take it, look at it, put the hygiene cap it’s gonna come with a hygiene cap. Put the hygiene cap on and put the wig on your head. Determine if this wig has potential to be what you want it to be. If it does, then you can mess with it and do anything that you want to it. If not, put the net back on it, put it in the box, use that return shipping label from Paula Young, and send it back. And then you can also email customer service, give them your order number so they know it’s coming, You could do an exchange, those sorts of things.


Jen Hardy :
Well, that’s great. That’s see, that’s good to know. And so there’s really no risk in in checking And

they do have swatches. You can get you can order free swatch. So that you can see, like, maybe some of the different blondes or some of the different brunettes or, but but sometimes the swatch is hard to tell because it’s such a little tiny block of hair. So I do think it’s good to watch videos. I try to show views when I do reviews of wigs outside as well as inside because a wig can look different in different lighting and on different faces. And it’s gonna probably look longer on the model and the catalog because she’s tiny. And it’s gonna look a little shorter on me. So, you know, taking those things into consideration that it may look different on each person.

Jen Hardy :
And as I’m looking at you, there’s wigs behind you. So I know a lot of people would think, okay, there would be brown and red and blonde and black. But that is not the case. There are so many variations.

Oh, there’s so yeah. There’s so many. This is a new one that I’ll be reviewing. This one will be coming out on Friday this week, which I don’t know when our when we’re gonna be on the It will

Jen Hardy :
already be out. Yeah. Oh, wow. That’s really pretty.

So this one is called Parisian blonde and it has just a little bit of a roots, which really helps make it look natural. And like this is, I can show you a basic cap. So you can see here. So it just has that soft felt. We have the felt ear tabs. There’s a little stay in the ear tab and then there is an extended nape. There’s a Velcro adjuster so you can adjust it an inch either way. And I yeah.

I really like the colors with the rooting. Because I think if you don’t have a lace part or a lace front, I think that makes it look so natural.

Jen Hardy :
So there’s 2 words that I wanted to bring up too is rooted is one of them. That’s a word that a lot of people say. And what does that mean?

So, like, you can see the one that I’m wearing. It it has a dark root. So if you if you imagine your bio hair and it’s growing, many times we go to the salon and we get our hair colored, but our roots are darker. And so what’s growing out, our regrowth is darker. So the I feel like the late the rooting makes it look more natural. Now not always have rooting, I have this one. This one is a captivating color where it’s a little bit darker on the bottom Yeah. Than it is on the top.

But this one has a lace front. So I don’t know if you can kinda see Yeah.

Jen Hardy :
What’s what’s the name of that one?

This one is Heidi. This is in the color honey. And this this one I’m just So that’s what I do, I hang them upside down by the nape. So just because it’s been sitting in a box and I want it to breathe and I want it to the fibers to loosen away from the cap because I’m gonna be wearing this to my niece’s wedding.

Jen Hardy :
Oh, fun. And then the other word is permatease. I hear that on wig videos.

Yeah. And I don’t know if I have one to show you, if you can really see or not. But essentially inside the cap or on the outside of the cap, there’s short hair so there’s wefting, but then there’s short hair or extra hairs or extra fibers, I should say. And that is gonna give it lift and volume. So unlike your own hair, in order to get lift and volume, you’d have to back comb it right and hairspray it. But with the wig, you can kinda get right in there where you can feel some of that permatease and just kind of give it a little lift and it’s gonna stay. So it just helps keep the shape of the wig, which I love it. Some, you know, some people, like, today, I I wanna say like the age group, like my youngest daughter is 25.

They like it part their hair parted down the middle straight, flat, long. So for for them, they might not like permatease. But, like, my daughters love wigs, but, you know, they want one with more of both more expensive features. For me, I like a little bit of volume. I like a little bit of lift. So give me a little bit of permatease.

Jen Hardy :
That’s it. Yeah. That’s I like a little bit of lift too. I don’t like it. But my my husband used to like my hair just flat. I cannot. I just can’t.

Oh, I can’t.

Jen Hardy :
It’s you will look beautiful. Young people look beautiful, but I I it’s not yeah. It’s not my sense.

Right. Right. It’s not it’s not that’s not my comfort zone to just have an extreme plot. That’s exactly right. Oh

Jen Hardy :
my gosh. So before we go, is there anything else you think people should know?

Oh my gosh. You know, have fun. I I try to portray that. And the other thing I want you to know is, if you’re on the fence and you’re worried about what people will say, I look at it as it’s it’s jewelry. It’s jewelry for your head. It’s just an extension of your accessories to put it all together. And you wanna present this package to the world and you want to feel good about yourself. Just do it, nobody’s looking, nobody pays that much of attention.

I wore wigs for 2 years and people at work did not know I was wearing a wig, and I would wear different styles and different colors. And they’re really kind of clueless but they might comp I I get compliments, I get compliments on my hair, I get compliments on my color, but I might get compliments on my curls if I’m wearing a curly wig. But honestly, people do not pay that close of attention. They’re really not looking. So I say if you’re on the fence, baby steps, maybe just put the wig on and go to the drive through. That’s pretty safe. You don’t know anybody yet to drive through. Right? Just the cashier and the person who’s handing you your food.

And how did that go? And look at them and smile at them. And they’ll probably smile back at you and say thank you, but they’re not gonna give you any weird looks or they’re not gonna say, oh my gosh, are you wearing a wig? They’re not gonna do it. They’re just not gonna do it. And have fun with it. That’s the other thing. Sit down, allow yourself time to play around and to have fun. And it’s I call it like self care. True it truly is self care and that’s really important.

And feel good about yourself. We all need a little boost in our mental health. So, wait, do that for me. They give me that boost and then to feel good about myself. And I wanna help others feel good about themselves.

Jen Hardy :
So and we’re gonna I’m gonna put your channel links and everything. If anyone has any questions and you go live so people can ask you questions Yes. Live on your channel.

I do, mostly YouTube, but I am also on Instagram. And I just it’s just me, myself, and I. I’m just a one woman show here. And so I don’t have anybody else helping me. So as I have time, I’m a I work full time. I’m a full time mom to my grandson. So yeah. So it’s a challenge, you know, life can be challenging to find the balance, but this is so worth it.

And I love doing it, and I love sharing it. It’s so much fun.

Jen Hardy :
You’re doing a phenomenal job. So thank you, and thank you for sharing this hour with me. It’s been a whole assy. It’s been longer than I thought, but it was so worth it. So thank you so much.

Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it, John. It’s been really fun.

Jen Hardy :
It has been great.

boost your confidence with wigs
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