50 and Fabulous!! Do you feel fabulous?
The one consistent thing in life is change. If you’re over 50, you’ve seen your fair share of changes, and this podcast is no exception! Today we’re shifting from “Hardy Mom” to “Fabulous Over 50.” It’s new, it’s exciting, and it’s all for you!!
On this podcast we celebrate a group of women who are defying age stereotypes and showing that life only gets better with time. Your host, Jen Hardy, is going to lead you on a journey to the fabulousness inside yourself. Because no matter what is happening on the outside, you NEED to get things right on the inside.

Jen will be joined on the podcast during some episodes by her epic podcasting friends. These fabulous women, all over the age of 50, are dynamic, inspiring, and will leave you feeling motivated and entertained. From their diverse backgrounds and experiences, they bring a wealth of knowledge, humor, and perspective to the microphone. Get ready to be inspired and join us as we listen to these amazing women share their stories.
Stay tuned, and stay fabulous!
Jen Hardy –
Welcome to the “Fabulous Over 50” podcast! If that sounds a little different it’s because this used to be the Hardy Mom podcast and you’re probably wondering why in the world did I decide to make this change!
Well, let me tell you. In 2020, a lot of things changed for a lot of people. For me. I was on hiatus from the podcast and a lot of things happen to me during thattime that really changed my perspective about dreams.
When I decided to come back I changed the name to Hardy Mom from the Sick Mom’s Guide and really worked at helping moms with chronic illness live better lives, because that is something that other people aren’t doing and it just needs to happen. But throughout the last few years, my health and the way I perceive it has been changing. When I came back as Hardy mom last year I was taking two full larger Ziploc bags of medicine. You know like you see really old people with at the doctor’s office. And I was focused a lot on how I felt, and my symptoms, and the fact that I was a sick mom and in writing the Sick Mom’s Guide and having the podcast, my persona became one of being a sick person. While I loved the way I was helping others, I did love thinking about myself like that all the time.
Three years ago in 2019 we moved to a beautiful island in Florida, where we have a nice home. It’s no Mansion, but it’s nice. We get to do everything we want, and my headspace has changed being here.
I’ve been wanting to coach people and help them live the lives of their dreams like I do. If you would have told me 20 years ago, ten years ago, even five years ago, that this would be where I’m at right now, I would never ever have believed you! But it is! I don’t use my walker anymore, I don’t use my cane anymore, I’m down from those two huge Ziploc baggies of medicine to three medicines a day!The shifts that have happened in my life are huge, and they’re not just external – they’re internal. You see I was raised in Los Angeles. And in the 80s when I was a teenager that things were crazy!
I was always told that I was too fat, even though I was 5’8” and 120 pounds. I was consistently told that my nose was ridiculously large, even though it’s normal size. And that nothing about my body, or my face, or who I was, was right. Some of that came from my family, or my friends, or my culture, or from the media. And I’ve spent a lot of my life beating myself up for who I am.
I shouldn’t have been, because when I look back and see pictures of myself at 20 and 30 I see a beautiful woman. I see a beautiful woman who hated herself.
It makes me very sad, and I would like to help women not feel like that.
But I’m not 20 anymore, and I’m not 30, anymore and I left my forties 4 years ago.
What I’ve realized is that my greatest impact right now is going to be to help other people ‘of a certain age’ – over 50 – find their fabulousness. Because I’ve been in the pit and I’ve come out of it. I have so many life experiences that I’d like to share to help people get out of where they are.
I’ve been an abusive relationship. I’ve been through a divorce.I’ve suffered through anorexia, and come out on the other side! At 54 I’m happier in my body than I’ve ever been, and I want to help women my age get here.
My husband is 51 and retired, and I want to help other people get where I am,
so I’m moving forward into Fabulous Over 50, but I’m not moving away from my moms. I love my moms with chronic illness!
I’m leaving all of my old episodes up, because I want there to be a place to come and get those things. There’s a lot of information in there women over 50 are going to need. Like when you’re raising your young children as an older mom, or you’re raising your grandkids, or your kids move home with their kids. Because let me tell you something ladies, over 50 parenting isn’t the same as it was in the 90s! and I can help you get through that because I’ve got children from 11-33 I’ve got seven of them!
They are 11 and 13, then some in their 20s and 30s. They’re all over the place, and I know the difference in parenting then and parenting now, and when your adult children say you just don’t get it – you just don’t get it. Because I would have never gotten it if I wasn’t living in this life right now. And I want to help you get it, so reach out to me. Reach out and ask the questions right now. You can reach out contactjenhardy.net it’s my email address. Or I’m everywhere on social media at thejenhardy, and that’s not changing I have kept that through all the changes I made in my life because that’s who I am so @thejenhardy. Find me on Facebook, find me on Instagram, find me wherever you play, and message me! Just say, “hey Jen!” I know that there are a lot of people that have been listening to Hardy Mom that are of a certain age, whether we like to admit it or not, and you just follow me and you know if you’re one of my younger moms. There is no reason you can’t keep listening, because the people that I have scheduled, they’re all podcasters that I know personally from the podcasting world and they are all experts in different things.
They’re going to come and talk about their areas of expertise. It may be legal, it may be healthcare, it maybe how to love your body in whatever way you consider loving your body. Because this thing about loathing ourselves, when I said that earlier, it’s true I didn’t just dislike who I was. I loathed her. Let me know if you can relate.
I got to tell you something being in a body that I love, and that I’m comfortable in being in a time in my life that I’m loved and I’m comfortable in…Oh my gosh!It’s amazing! And I want you to be here with me. I want you to join me. I want you to come alongside me. And I want you to partner with me! I want you to let me know what you need, where you’re at, and how can I serve you?
One of the things I’m going to be doing is bringing women here to my town, and I am going to spend a weekend with them, pamper them, and I’m going to put them up in a home on the beach. The Hilton on the beach, which happens to be where my family and I vacation! In our same town! Because that’s how awesome it is. And I’m going to hold your hand, and I’m going to stroke your ego, and I am going to get you where I am. Because girl you need to be here! And if you can’t come to me, I’ll fly to you and I’ll do the same thing!
Because when I went through all of those things I went through, and there were a lot, I always knew there was a reason. And the reason is that I’ve got the experience to help you wherever you are. And if you think “I’m in a place that no one can understand and I’m in a pit that no one can lift me out of…” I challenge you to reach out to me. Send me that email at contact@jenhardy.net. Because being over 50 can be fabulous! We’ve got a wealth of wisdom.
@e know things that we didn’t even know we didn’t know before. And we’ve got opportunities that so many women of this age don’t realize they have! And I want to help you so you can have them too.
So that’s why we’re changing from Hardy Mom to Fabulous over 50. I’m not moving away from anyone, and I encourage you if you’ve been listening to stay. And if you are at or near 50 and above, subscribe! Hit the plus button, the Subscribe button, whatever it is wherever you are. You are going to want to stick around! Because girl, this is going to be gold, and that is why we have gold on the cover art. We’re going to help you find what you’ve been looking for forever and what that is is the fabulousness inside yourself.
Because no matter what is happening on the outside, whether you don’t have any money, or you’re a millionaire, whether you rent a crap apartment or you own a mansion, it doesn’t matter. I have been in all the places and nothing matters if things aren’t right inside yourself. So girl, let’s keep you fabulous, or let’s get you fabulous, or wherever you are in the process. Because that is what this is all about! Follow the podcast
There’s a website for “Fabulous over 50,” it’s jenhardy.net And that is where the gold lives.
Thank you so much for being with me, and for partnering with me. I look forward to getting to know you working with you, and we’re going to just bring this age to the next level! Who’s with me? I know you are, and I know you want it!
So stay tuned and stay fabulous
are I know you want it so stay tuned and stay fabulous
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