Create a Video
in 1 Minute!

Have you been wanting to create videos?

children, win, success-593313.jpg
It really is THIS exciting!!

No one has weeks to create audio and video!

Would you like to input text and have the video created in 1 minute?


What if you could input a URL and have a video automatically created in 1 minute?


There’s also a way to automate uploading your ENTIRE catalog of podcast episodes to YouTube that will only take you 30 minutes!

(*Fine-tuning the first 2 options will take a few more minutes, and the third will run in the background at 3 per day.)

Are you ready to take your podcast to the next level?

Video is the future

You see it everywhere, people talking about how important it is to create video as part of our podcasts. But how are we supposed to get it all done? The only way to create supplemental video is to create video in 1 minute. 

And you can create those videos in 1 minute just by signing up for a free program (The free plan gets you 3 videos created that way per month, or use my special link and get a great discount off a paid plan for – if you do, I may receive compensation, but you won’t pay more – win win!!)

How can you create a video in 1 minute? AI. Yep! Everyone is talking about it, and you probably use it too. And I have to tell you, after the 1 minute video creation, you’ll need to edit it a little. Change the wording to your own, and swap out a video clip or two, but it can take just a few minutes and you’re done!

So next time someone tells you to create video, let them know you’re creating them in a minute & share this link, they’ll thank you!

What about getting your whole podcast catalog uploaded to YouTube in 30 minutes? The truth is that setting it up takes a maximum of 30 minutes. Then it just runs in the background as you go about your life, churning out 3 videos a day until all of them are up. It’s that simple!! It’s literally working as you sleep.

Like what you've heard so far? It's time to work together & grow your show!

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The Fabulous Podcast Coach

Whether you’re ready to start or grow your show, I’ve got some amazing tips!

Like how to create videos in 1 minute, get your whole podcast up on YouTube automated in 30 minutes, or stop podfade. 

Did you know that 90% of podcasts fail after just 3 episodes?

Not clients of the Fabulous Podcast Coach! 

The EverPod system is the way to keep you podcasting, try it today!

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